Collection: In-situ TEM grids

In-situ grids enable electrical transport measurements to be performed simultaneously with TEM imaging.

There are a few grid designs for compatibility with a few different TEM grid holders (see individual product pages).


  • Compatible with a few specialized TEM holders
  • Three “device regions” having
    • Three electrode widths: 0.5, 1, 2 μm to fit a variety of sample sizes
    • Electrodes are gold
      • Low oxidation
      • 25 nm height provides a relatively flat surface (useful for 2D materials)
    • A thin ~20 nm nitride membrane for low-background imaging
    • Holes/slots for background-free imaging
    • Slots to allow for imaging at high tilt angle
  • Bulk of the membrane is 160 nm for
    • Greater durability when depositing samples
    • Greater rigidity when imaging
  • Pt ring electrodes* allow
    • Heating the membrane
      • Note: Gold can migrate at high temperatures, so grids may not be suitable for experiments over 400C
    • Measuring membrane temperature (via changes in resistance of the 200 Ω ring)
  • 4 alignment marks for custom lithography or aligned sample deposition (80 μm spacing)
  • Unique device labels readable without a microscope

* All in-situ grids except 3x4-4e